Welcome to Our Blog: What’s Sprouting


By Neal Fiorelli

I’ve been told in recent years “You guys should have a Blog”, but I could never quite see the value, probably because I didn’t quite understand it.  Several of our friends and competitors in the sustainability community had blogs, but I couldn’t quite keep up with them. So how could I possibly create one myself?

It wasn’t until it was suggested by a recent hire, Katie, that I finally gave it some deeper thought.  Katie seemed perfect for the role of maintaining it, she stays current on sustainability news and has a knack for catching the attention of a reader.  So I figured, why not?

But what will we write about? So many blogs write about the same topics over and over again, while others are really specialized and don’t exactly appeal to the masses.  What could we present on a blog that would be of some interest to a diverse group of friends, associates, and the community at large? 

And that’s when we came upon the idea of “Anything.”   Our only criteria is to strive to ensure it is worth your time to read it and therefore worth our time to write it!  Our goal is for our blog readers to enthusiastically await the next post!

So again, Welcome to our new Blog – it is here that we will provide information and updates on the happenings of sustainability and green buildings in our community, the country and the world…or we may not.   We might just provide information on a new or really cool technology breakthrough…or perhaps technology failure.   Perhaps something about a current event or something historical, maybe something political or controversial.   Or it may just be satirical, humorous, or just plain outrageous!  If we believe it is of interest we will write about it.  And what we want most is that it is of interest to you!     

So please, we encourage you to read our blog and sign up for our newsletter. Give a few articles a test drive, and we would love to hear from you if you find it worthwhile.  


L. Neal Fiorelli

Principal Partner

Lorax Partnerships, LLC


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